Driven to be the best

We never simply move products on. Instead we take each item and address it in a personal way.

Fair, honest and trustworthy

Skynnex AV has great comfort on used Bang & Olufsen, from the time my business partner created this brand name called Skynnexav has got very high demand for our products. We keep everything simple for our customers to view our products and to deliver on time, give the best service to our clients.

Skynnex AV is an independant company which specializes in selling, sourcing, customizing and repairing preowned and preloved Bang & Olufsen audio products, television sets, and telephones. Our prices on products are highly competitive in the niche market to reach our customers expectation and to meet their needs.

We have assisted customers worldwide since inception, and we strive to leave no stone un turned,
regardless of their budget.


We never simply move products on. Instead we take each item and address it in a personal way. On receipt of any Bang & Olufsen product we fully test it not for five minutes but for anything up to a day to ensure its in perfect working order. If a product needs service or maintenance of any sort we deliver it to our preferred B&O service centre which ensures any work is recorded and any parts replaced are official B&O parts, we never do in house repair or service of any sort giving both us and our customers piece of mind. The next step is to thoroughly valet the items returning them where possible to as near as possible to a new product.


We are a small company driven to be the best at what we do in the most professional way possible in the case of buying your pre-loved B&O items it all starts with your communication to us. We will always offer an immediate price and no later than next working day collection. We are happy to de install your equipment before safely packing it into B&O boxes ready for transit. We always pay by cash on the day and pride ourselves on being fair honest and trust worthy.

Meet the Director

Welcome to our new web site and In today’s competitive industry demands best service towards our customers and our products quality.

Skynnexav is an independant company which specializes in selling, sourcing, customizing and repairing preowned and preloved Bang & Olufsen audio products, television sets, and telephones. We steer to keep our customers always happy with our best service and provide the high standard quality products to meet our customer requirements.We aim to be the leading independant seller of preowned Bang and Olufsen products in U.K.

Anton Fernando, Director